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Frontline Biti ve Kene Önleme Yan Etkileri

 Yazan simone, 17.06.204 tarihinde gönderildi.
100Yorum (lar)

Pire kötü - çok kötü - ve keneler daha da kötü! Pireler sadece kedileri ve köpekleri tahriş etmez, onları aşırı kaşıntı ve ısırma ile çılgına çevirirken insanlara bulaşabilen hastalıkları da yayarlar. Keneler, özellikle felç kene, ölümcül olabilir.

Pirelerin dört aşamalı bir yaşam döngüsü vardır: yetişkin, yumurta, larva ve pupa. Bu pis küçük parazitler ısırır, besler ve evcil hayvanınızda üreme yapar. Yetişkin bir kadın pire, günde 50 yumurta kadar koyabilir . Evcil ve eviniz istila edildikten sonra, pireyi tamamen bertaraf etmek zordur. 

Kahverengi keneler ve felç keneleri, her yaştaki evcil hayvanlar için tehlikelidir. Kene tüküresi, evcil hayvanınızdan kan emtiği zaman geçirilen toksinler vardır. Bu toksinler, evcil hayvanınızın derisini tahriş eder, dermatit ve anemiye neden olur ve hatta felç veya ölüme neden olabilir. Keneler de Lyme hastalığını taşıyor. Bu nedenle, düzenli olarak pire ve kene evcil hayvanınızı korumak önemlidir. 

[[Frontline]]] bit, kenevir yumurtası ve larva, ısırgan bitler ve keneler için çok hızlı etkili ve etkili bir önlemdir. Pirelerde, [[Cephe]] üç önemli üreme aşamasında hareket ederek yaşam döngüsünü başarılı bir şekilde yok eder. Fipronil bileşeni, yetişkin pireleri, bitleri ve keneleri etkiler ve metopren, pire yumurtalarını ve larvaları etkiler. [[Frontline]] parazitin merkez sinir sistemine saldırmak için derhal saldıraya başlar, felç edip onları öldürür. [[Frontline]]] da, Flea Alergy Dermatit'in tedavisinde kullanılabilir.

Kediler ve köpekler için aylık veya iki ayda bir uygulanabilecek bir dizi Frontline ürünü vardır. Köpekler için dozaj, köpeğin ağırlığına bağlıdır. Tedavi, evcil hayvanınızın saçıyla sıkılan, omuzlarının yalamadığı omuz bıçakları arasından deriye sıkılan pipetler halinde gelir. Frontline'ın evcil hayvanınızın gözlerine kaçmasını veya onları almasına izin vermekten kaçının. Frontline Plus ve> Frontline Combo aynı ürün için farklı marka adlarıdır.

24 saat sonra Frontline, petrol bezleri yoluyla evcil hayvanınızın cildi ve saçlarının tamamına yayılır. Yayılınca , Frontline suya dayanıklıdır, ancak tedaviden sonra 48 saat boyunca evde beslenen hayvanınızı şampuanlamamanız önerilir. Felç kene kontrolü için özellikle kene sezonu boyunca hayvanınızı istila için dikkatlice kontrol etmeye devam etmelisiniz. Bu süre boyunca her iki haftada bir tedaviye başvurmanız gerekebilir. Ambalajla ilgili talimatlara bakın. 

Yan etkiler

[[Frontline]]] kedi ve köpekler için test edilmiş ve güvenli bir tedavidir. Yönerge uyarınca kullanıldığında , öfkeli yan etkiler nadirdir. 8 haftalık yaş üzerindeki kedi yavruları ve yavrular üzerinde kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır ve hamile veya emziren hayvanlarda kullanılabilir. Evcil hayvanınız ilaç kullanıyorsa, zayıf bağışıklık sistemine sahipse, hastaysa, yaşlıysa veya zaten diğer pestisit kullanıyorsanız veterinerinizle konuşmanız gerekecektir.

1-2 gün boyunca uygulamanın bulunduğu yerde geçici kızarıklık veya cilt tahrişi olabilir; bu da, evcil hayvanınızın kaşınmasına veya çizilmesine neden olacaktır. İştah ve diyare eksikliği de ortaya çıkabilir. Tedaviyi kurutmadan önce yalarsa, evcil hayvanınız dalabilir. Bu semptomlar devam ederse veya kötüleşirse, alerji belirtisi olabilir, bu nedenle veterinize danışın. 

[[Frontline]] [] kullanarak yapılan herhangi bir advers reaksiyon veya yan etki genellikle yanlış uygulama veya dozajdan kaynaklanmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, tüm evcil hayvanlar bireylerdir ve maddeler için aşırı hassas veya alerjik olabilir. Aşağıdaki yan etkilerin herhangi birinden fark ederseniz, hemen evde beslenen hayvanınızı veterinere götürün: 

  • Özellikle yüz, dudak ve dilde şişme
  • Döküntücüler veya kovanlar
  • Letarji
  • Kusma veya şiddetli / uzun diyare
  • Aşırı tükürük
  • Eşgüdümlenmemiş hareketler
  • nöbet 
  • Yanıt vermeme ya da koma

Özellik resim kredisi


Yorum (lar)100

Peter - Comment
Peter24 Apr 2017Reply
After applying Frontline our cat suddenly behaved strangely as though she was having a fit
Peter - Comment
Peter24 Apr 2017Reply
Our cat reacted after being treated with Frontline. Looked like she was having a stroke or seizure but recovered . Very worrying while it lasted.
Cariza - Comment
Cariza24 Apr 2017Reply
May I know how long did the symptoms last? My dog is not in coma or stroke andI don't know what to do. He is not moving. I applied the frontline 5 days ago.
Jenn - Comment
Jenn24 Apr 2017Reply
Oh no :( any update? Was your dog ok???
I just applied my 5 month old kitten with her first frontline. She was more sleep after but what really got me is she had a bout of intense yowling 2 hours after that was way louder than normal. She went to lay on the ground and seemed the neck area where I applied FL may be irritated .

Which is why I'm here fuz I wanted to figure out possible side effects to look out for. Never thought of that with a flea meds since I've never seen different behavior after
Paul - Comment
Paul24 Apr 2017Reply
Applied Frontline to my cat 2 days ago. She started acting crazy, staring at objects with her head tilted. Now she’s shaking her head like she’s having a seizure. I do not recommend this product.
Becky - Comment
Becky12 Jul 2017Reply
Frontline is crap, I have treated my dog and cats as I do monthly all of them still have fleas and scratch more then they did before. Also my dog now seems to struggle to jump with his back legs and can no longer get on the sofa or bed.
Kelly - Comment
Kelly12 Jul 2017Reply
I applied Frontline Gold on my dog a week ago and he avoids jumping up on the bed or the couch also. He always has jumped up into my lap every time I sit down on the couch and he has not done that or attempted to since I put that on him. I bathed him after the 3rd day of applying it because I noticed his inability to jump up on things and he is scratching more than usual. It's been 4 days since I bathed him and he is still acting like this.
Beverly  - Comment
Beverly 12 Jul 2017Reply
Hey 😭😭help me please reply the same thing happened to mines she needs my help to get her on the bed i feel so bad I can’t stop crying what do I do!!😭😭😓😓I’m so fucking mad at myself 😓😓😭reply please
Miny - Comment
Miny12 Jul 2017Reply
Did your cat get better please, my kitten cannot use all legs. I used spot on 7 days ago and bathed her today. Im so upset, she cant even lick herself. Does the drug reverse its effects please
Toni - Comment
Toni12 Jul 2017Reply
Did your pet get better? I put frontline plus on my dog and now she falls over and doesn't want to play. It's been 4 days and I did try to wash it off but I think it was to late.
Devin  - Comment
Devin 12 Jul 2017Reply
Hi Becky the same thing has happened to our dog. Was this a long lasting event?
Lorene  - Comment
Lorene 12 Aug 2017Reply
Frontline Plus'ı kedim üzerinde kullanmak için kullanıyorum ama dün veteriner bana altın cephesi verdi. Neyse, bu sabah 2 saat veteriner bürosundaydı, genelde 5 AM kedimdeki gürültülü, bu sabah yatağın altında saklanıyordu ve gece boyunca kustu. Neredeyse 400 dolardan fazla sıvı, bulantı ve kan panelinden sonra hala yemek yemiyor, yemek yemiyor ya da çok fazla hareket etmiyor. Bu eşyaları bir daha uygulamamak.
Jim - Comment
Jim12 Aug 2017Reply
Mt cat almost died 24 hours after the first application of Frontline Gold. It has some additional chemicals in it that Frontline Plus does not that are extremely toxic. After numerous vet visits and a week or so, the cat pulled thru. He is back to Frontline Plus with no problems.
Betty - Comment
Betty15 Aug 2017Reply
How long after treatment will adverse reaction symptoms appear? I treated my cat who is 12 years old one week ago with Frontline Gold and today she is acting like her back end is out of whack and can hardly walk.
Lorene - Comment
Lorene15 Aug 2017Reply
My cats reactions was within 24 hours but has been 6 days and still not her normal self
Angie - Comment
Angie15 Aug 2017Reply
Bu ne kadar sürdü? Aynı şey benim kedime de oluyor
Stephanie  - Comment
Stephanie 15 Aug 2017Reply
the same thing happened to my cat..about a week to 10 days later. And it wasn't the first application, the first application he just lost his appetite.
Cindy - Comment
Cindy17 Aug 2017Reply
I was feeding really bad when I finally caught my 3 indoor outdoor ferals to apply the Frontline Plus.All of them cried like it really hurt. They act very tired.I need to do my research
Jo - Comment
Jo23 Aug 2017Reply
I gave my 20 year old cat Frontline after reading the instructions and telling my vet I was doing it. On both occasions he has gone off his food and had diarrhoea which ARE on the list of side effects, but he goes blind for 24 hours about 48 hours after application... this was certainly NOT on the list. It's very scary and distressing but does not last .... be warned everyone!!!
Gemma  - Comment
Gemma 23 Aug 2017Reply
I'm on here for that reason. My boys 19 and gas gone blind 😭😭😭around 48 hours since administration too! 🙏🙏🙏He will gd ok
Denise - Comment
Denise08 Nov 2017Reply
it's worked on my boy he looks really relaxed, i gave it to him when i knew he really really needed it ,& only till then . i thought he looked tired, but he really alert i must say i was worried for nothing,
Mary  - Comment
Mary 11 Nov 2017Reply
Call me crazy, but my pets have successively became me I’ll and have a weird eye thing almost exactly one month after using frontline naturals for cats and frontline plus for dogs (cats both have lethargy, and pulled up inner eye lids, bad gas and really grumpy. One is 6-outdoor mostly, one is only 6 months-indoor only. My boxer now had a really irritated eye, possibly from kitten, but also see a hazy spot in eye). we had many skunks around so we had an influx of fleas. I have found eucalyptus they hate. Hate fleas, hate this product, and any like it. Zodiac is pure death.
Kelly - Comment
Kelly11 Nov 2017Reply
Mary, I applied Frontline to my car three days ago - she has same symptoms. Lethargic, inner eyelid out of whack. How long has this lasted with your cat?
Mandi - Comment
Mandi11 Nov 2017Reply
I used a small amount of advantage for cats 1.5 lbs on my 3 lb cat that I had split between all 3 of them about a month ago however she still had issues with fleas so even tho i still had a week of so to go b4 it had been a month I went ahead and applied about the same amount of frontline on her (again splitting it between them) a couple days later I started noticing a terrible rotten egg smell and finally figured out it was coming from her shes passing gas and it is the worst thing ever. Shes been doing it now for 3 days and I have an appt for her fri to take her to the vet but I was wondering if ur cat smelled of rotten eggs like this when u mentioned the bad gas or if anyone else has experienced this?
Mel - Comment
Mel22 Jan 2018Reply
My dog also is reluctant to jump up on my bed or into the car since using frontline plus. She’s very lethargic too. This is very worrying to see other cases. Can you tell me if your dogs recovered ok and how long it took
Cariza - Comment
Cariza22 Jan 2018Reply
My dog is having the same symptom as your dog but now it's getting worser. I don't even know what to do. He seems like stroke. He keeps moaning when I called his name. He is in bed rest. I hope that someone will reply if there dogs recovered from this. Your reply will serve as strength. thank you
Mel - Comment
Mel22 Jan 2018Reply
Yes my dog still doesn’t seem to have improved. Buy fairy dishwashing liquid from the supermarket and keep washing your dog in that. It’s a degreaser and should get it out of its oil glands. Good luck and let me know how you go
Mel - Comment
Mel22 Jan 2018Reply
Yes I’m pleased to say the fairy dishwashing liquid worked wonders. I washed her a couple of times and she’s happily back to normal. I was so scared she was going to die. I used to use frontline plus on my other dogs but never again will I use it after what it’s done to my latest dog. Good luck
David - Comment
David22 Jan 2018Reply
Bir ay önce köpeğim 13lbs Frontline'a başvurdum. Son iki haftada onu iki farklı veterinere verdim. Durumu, tüm semptomları herkese en çok neden olan bir şey bulamıyorlar. Sinirli ve Frontline'ı yeniden uygulama zamanı geldi. Bakmak ve ne hakkında konuştuğunuzu bulmak bana ağrıyordu. Köpeğimle olan şeyin bu olduğundan emin olmak. Veterinere denir. Ve şüpheli diyorlar. Neden bunun için ayağa kalktığını anlamıyorum. Sorun olduğunu biliyorum. Bugün biraz daha iyi. Ve onun dışına çıktığında semptomları kayboldu. Tavşanları tam hızla kovalar. Ama içeri girer girmez tüm belirtiler tekrar ortaya çıkıyor. Garip.
Pil gözleri, titreme, iştah kaybı, harap, vb.
Teşhisi kabul etmeye istekli bir veteriner bulmalıyım.
Takas etme konusunda başarılı olan var mı?
Mel - Comment
Mel22 Jan 2018Reply
Merhaba David
2 gün önce söylemekten memnuniyet duyuyorum, sanırım köpeğim, onu almak için aylarca süren sıkı çalışmalara rağmen bir köşeye döndü. Öncelikle evcil hayvanınızı bir bulaşık deterjanıyla yıkayın, periyi kullandım. Son birkaç ayda ona tam bir çiğ diyet yapıyordum ve ona 1 adet blackmores marka süt destan tableti verdim. Diyetleri esas olarak kanguru olmak üzere çiğ etlerden oluşuyor, ancak keçi bifteği ve kuzu eti ile değiştiriyorum. Biraz sakatat. Bazı sardalye. Tatlı patates, lahana, serbest yumurta ve yumurta kabuğu 2 çift etkili balık yağı kapsülleri ve hindistancevizi yağı. Yukarıdakilerin bir kısmını değiştiriyorum. Ve ayrıca bazı kolloidal gümüşler ama bence ona verdiğim en iyi şey kemik suyu. İnanılmaz şeyler. Geçen hafta hâlâ atlamak için mücadele ediyordu, ancak yürüyüşleri sırasında blok etrafında zorlukla yapabildi ve tüm gün yaptığı şey sadece etrafta dolaşıp hareket etmiyordu. O hala% 100 değil ama 2 gün koşuyor şimdi o büyük yürüyüşler yapıldı ve hızını korudu. Ay'ın üzerindeyim. Ayrıca facebook frontline / frontline artı nöro-toksik bir zehir grubundan yukarıya bakın. Ön cephenin yasaklanması için orada bir dilekçe var. Umarım biraz yardımcı oldum. Yukarıdaki gruba bakarsanız, oradaki yorumlarımı göreceksiniz. Bebeğinizin iyileşmesini umduğum herhangi bir tavsiye için bana mesaj göndermekten çekinmeyin
Archan - Comment
Archan22 Jan 2018Reply
Çözüm için teşekkürler ... Köpeğimi yıkadım ve hemen kalktı ve normal davranmaya başladı.
Banyodan önce köpeğim sıkıcıydı, dikkatli değildi, kas seğirmesi, sızlanan, su bile içmedi, tek bir damla bile, 18 saat boyunca düz yemedim ... tamamen susuz kalmış, .... Çözüm için Thanx işe yaradı Bir çekicilik ..... Bu fipronil, bir daha asla kullanmayacak şekilde yasaklanmalıdır .... Bu kene bu kimyasal maddelere göre daha çok çalışmak isterim
Mel - Comment
Mel22 Jan 2018Reply
Harika haber. Köpeğin tamirde olduğuna sevindim. Ve evet, onu yasaklamak için çalışan bir grup var. Umarım bu yıl olacak
Donna Brito - Comment
Donna Brito22 Jan 2018Reply
My dog had frontline 4 days ago, Will a bath with degreaser help her?
Archan kumar - Comment
Archan kumar22 Jan 2018Reply
I have used this fipronil a few tyms...

From wat i have observed.. after the application..my 🐕 became dull and lethargic ... he didnt respond to anything...
He stays like that untill i give him a bath next day...
I think the chemical irritates his skin or has some adverse nausea like effect on him ..

But when i bath him the next day... his energy comes back and he acts normal again like everyday.. hes only like that untill i bath him...

I just use my regular oat shampoo on him... nothing special to remove all the chemical...

I prefer to sprays his body with fipronil instead of applying that 3 or 5 ml of liquid behind his head... it highly concentration and he didnt like it...

Spraying all over body with diluted one and bathing him next day has done wonders!..
Mel Culph - Comment
Mel Culph22 Jan 2018Reply
Yes Donna please bath it urgently in a degreasing shampoo or use blue Dawn dishwashing liquid or fairy dish washing liquid. Only use the dishwashing liquid as an emergency. Don’t wash your pets in it any other time. You can also give milk thistle to detox the liver. Good luck I hope it recovers well
Tonya - Comment
Tonya28 Jan 2018Reply
I applied the Frontline Plus to my Granddoggie 9 days ago. Yesterday she started presenting with difficulty walking. Today she has to be picked up to go outside to potty. She cannot go up and down any steps. I was glad to find your comments, because I am now almost certain it has made her sick. She also feels very hot and is having rigors We have her on a heating pad and will try bathing her tomorrow.
Tonya  - Comment
Tonya 28 Jan 2018Reply
This is what my Granddoggie is doing!

Ginny Goldberg - Comment
Ginny Goldberg19 Feb 2018Reply
I applied FrontLine Plus to both my dogs. The following day my 6-year old stopped jumping up on the bed or couch. By that night she was having problems walking. By the time I got her to the vet she was paralyzed. I had no choice but to have her euthanized. This was not the first time I've used FrontLine on them and if I had known about these side effects I would NEVER had subjected my furbies to this poison.
Mel - Comment
Mel19 Feb 2018Reply
Bunu duyduğuma çok üzüldüm
Anna - Comment
Anna01 Mar 2018Reply
Feb 26 put frontline on my Burnaby.comefeb 27th she started acting funny wouldn't hardley walk or jump ,took her to the vet dehydrated did blood work found nothing wroung,i called frontline and reported.How long will this take to ware off.I won't use it again !!!! Scared!!!!! Should. I wash her....
Regina P - Comment
Regina P12 Mar 2018Reply
10 yaşındaki Chihuahua'mın ön cephesini koydum ... O zamandan beri, o yemek yemiyor, ishal oluyor, çok koordine olmamış gibi yürüyor, merdivenlerden yukarı ve aşağı çıkmıyor, aklını yitiriyormuş gibi davranıyor. Bu ürünü bir daha kullanmam.
Denice DeMitri - Comment
Denice DeMitri20 Mar 2018Reply
I gave put the Frontline plus on my 11 year old Chi Saturday on Sunday she did nothing but cry she kept twitching and seemed like she was having trouble jumping on furniture, she is fine today. Will never put the Frontline on her again. My 5 year old Chi was fine but she will not get that again either
Mimi - Comment
Mimi07 Apr 2018Reply
Frontline'ı 3 gün önce kedimiz üzerinde kullandık ve garip, ürkek, tuhaf davranmaya başladı. 20 dakika önce öldü.
Mimi - Comment
Mimi07 Apr 2018Reply
Omg, I am so sorry for your loss!!!
LaDonna Wilson - Comment
LaDonna Wilson23 May 2017Reply
Ben bu Frontline artı benim 11 yaşındaki kedi 3 gün önce koydu ve onun kürk düşüyor ve bu yorumları okuduktan sonra çok gergin olmaya başlıyorum! Bu semptomların ne kadar sürdüğünü bana söyleyebilir mi?
LaDonna - Comment
LaDonna23 May 2017Reply
Bu yorumu yayınladıktan sonra ertesi gün kürk bebeğimin kel noktasının açık bir yara olduğunu ve hala saçlarını kaybettiğini fark ettim. Bu eşyaları bir daha asla kullanamayacağım !!
Tonya - Comment
Tonya23 May 2017Reply
10 gün önce benim longhaired kedi üzerinde frontline combo koymak o şimdi bir scab hakkı var nerede ben 11yrs eski olduğunu sadece normal olarak davranan bu bir allegic reaksiyon n ise ben koymak yerine kullanacağım
MB - Comment
MB23 May 2017Reply
Wash it off with the fairy. Use a flea comb 3 times a day instead. Fill the sink with a bit of water with dish soap in it. Put the fleas/comb into the water when you see them on the comb. Manual works way better than chemical, anyway. Stay on it.
Molly - Comment
Molly23 May 2017Reply
Annem sırtımın ön tarafına koydu ve bir hafta sonra veterinerlerime cildimin altında bir yumru kaldı
Mel - Comment
Mel23 May 2017Reply
Lütfen semptomları görür görmez herkese, cildinizi peri bezini bulaşık deterjanıyla veya yağ keçelerinden ön çizgiyi çıkarmak için bir bulaşık deterjanıyla yıkayın. Hepsini çıkardığınızdan emin olmak için birkaç kez yıkayın. Gerçekten çok üzücü hikayeler var.
Lori - Comment
Lori23 May 2017Reply
Çırpıldıktan sonra vahşi kedi yavrularımdan birine koydum. Onu daha sonra o akşam serbest bıraktım. Ertesi sabah onu delirmiş gibi kaşıdığını fark ettim. Düşeceğini ummalı mıyım? Endişeleniyorum çünkü muhtemelen onu bir daha yakalayamayacağım.
Mel - Comment
Mel23 May 2017Reply
Her tepki farklı olduğu için söylemek zor. Fakat eğer bir reaksiyonu varsa, hiçbir yan etki ortaya çıkmayacağından, herhangi bir kimyasal bazlı tedaviyi bir daha asla bırakmamak önemlidir. Üzerine bir göz atmanız gerekecek ve daha da kötüye giderse, yağ bezlerinden çıkarmak için yağ giderme kabında yıkanmalıdır. Xx bakımı için iyi şanslar ve iyi
Nancy Kolosso - Comment
Nancy Kolosso23 May 2017Reply
Bu zehirin üreticileri olan Merial'a karşı küçük bir iddia davamız var. Bize katılmak (bilgi vermek için gerek yok) veya bilgi almak için lütfen frontlineproductssilentkillers.com adresindeki web sitemize gidin. Lütfen dilekçemizi imzalayın. Herkes imzalayabilir. Bu bağlantı https://www.change.org/p/nancy-kolosso-don-t-use-frontline-products-made-by-merial Lütfen bunu ailenize ve arkadaşlarınıza iletin. Herkesin yardımına ihtiyacımız var. Teşekkür ederim!!
Lisa Askham - Comment
Lisa Askham23 May 2017Reply
Hi there, our cat has just died after being treated with Bravecto and I am not prepared to let her death be in vain. Could we chat via email?
Mel - Comment
Mel23 May 2017Reply
Hi Lisa. Did Nancy get back to you. I can pass on a message if you haven’t heard from her. So sorry to hear about your baby
Nancy - Comment
Nancy23 May 2017Reply
I am so sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. We can't do anything about Bravecto. It's made by a different company. I am so sorry to hear about your fur baby. Take care.
Eleanor - Comment
Eleanor23 May 2017Reply
Gerçekten üzgün hikayeler. Kalp kurdu için hartguard ile aynı deneyimi yaşadım. Küçük köpeğim aylar boyunca kötüleşen nöbet benzeri semptomlara başladı. Son olarak ona verdiğim son dozdan sonra iki saat içinde ayakta kalamadı. Veteriner hiç bahsetmemişti, ivermektin olabilir. Bunun nedeni olduğuna hala inanmayı reddediyor. Sonunda ürünü araştırdıktan sonra gerçeği öğrendim. Tüm bu ürünler, parazitleri öldürmesi ve hayvanın kan beyin bariyerini geçmemesi gereken nöro toksinleri içerir. Ama bazı köpekler ve özellikle hasta veya yaşlı olanlar ile, öyle! Köpeğimin ataksi dediği şey vardı. Çarpıcı, sarsıcı, nöbet benzeri semptomlar, gözler hızla ileri ve geri akıyor, son zamana kadar onu uyutmak zorunda kalacağımızı düşündük. Ama yapmadık ve bir köpek bebek arabasında 6 hafta sürdü ve el emzirdi çünkü kördü ve kendi başına yemeye yetecek kadar mastürbasyon yapamazdı. Yine de biter. Ona vermeyi bıraktım ve şimdi Wondercide'ı kullanıyorum. Kullandığım siloklu toprak gibi sedir yağı ve hidratlanmış silika vardır. Pireleri öldürüyor! Gerçekten mi. Sivrisinek de püskürtmek için oldukça sık uygulanır, ancak kışın haftada birkaç kez pire ele alır. Pireler sadece çözülür. Küçük köpek bundan sonra çok iyi iyileşti ve sedir kokusuna sahip olmayı çok severdi. Hepsinden çok hoşlanmıyor ama mesele şu ki, hiçbir zararı olmayacak ve belaya gitmek için istekliyse işe yarayacaktır. Bir daha asla tatlı köpeklerimi zehirlemek istemiyorum.
Eleanor - Comment
Eleanor23 May 2017Reply
Kedimde de kullandığım başarıdan bahsetmeyi unuttum. O da oldukça çirkin bir kedidir, ama Wondercide'ı elime püskürttüğümde ve onun her yerine ovduğumda sevdiği yere varmış. Sedir kokusu onu rahatsız etmedi ve onu hiçbir şekilde etkilemedi. Kedilerin köpeklerden farklı olduğunu biliyorum, ama onunla iyi anlaştı. Tek sorun sedir yağı yüzünden, onun kürk kümesini oluşturdu ve bunu olmasını önlemek için onu sık sık fırçalamak zorunda kaldım. Ürünün web sitesine gidin ve ihtiyacınız olan tüm bilgileri bulacaksınız. Evinizde veya bahçenizde de spreylenecek ürünler var. Başarı ile ve bir yıl daha hasta hayvanlarla birlikte bir yıl boyunca kullanıyoruz
Margie Rosenblum - Comment
Margie Rosenblum07 Jun 2017Reply
Köpeğimin aynı semptomu var. Yatağına atlayamazsın.
Chevy - Comment
Chevy05 Jul 2018Reply
We used Frontline plus on our 3 months old cat, as the instructions stated that it was designed for 2m+ and on our 4y old cat. The 4y old was fine, the kitty became letargic and non-responsive. After the first hour, it stoped moving at all. I searched the internet and found this page with all the symptoms and Mel´s advise to wash the cat several times. My wife washed the cat with soap (Dove), dishwashing liquid and pet´s shampoo. After 1 hour, it opened it´s eyes and we washed again. After a couple hours, it was just a bit letargic and in the next day the kitty was fine.
I belive this product is not safe for younger or older animals, despite what it says in the box/instructions. And I repeat what Mel have said in her post: "as soon as you see symptoms wash your pet". It helps.
Lori - Comment
Lori11 Jul 2018Reply
I put frontline on my 11 year old cat and couldn't find her for two days. I thought she got outside or something I looked everywhere. She finally came out from where ever she was hiding. She had messed all over herself and could barely walk. She walked in circles. I bathed her because she was so stinky and messed up. I think I will wash her again tomorrow agter reading these posts🙏🏻She makes it! I have been feeding her with a serynge.
Val - Comment
Val11 Jul 2018Reply
I had similar situation last night. We have been treating cat for 9 years. Never an issue. Last night. Vomit, diarrhea, loss of appetite, hid behind furniture, issues walking upstairs. I washed his hair . Will never administer and then leave for day. Strange reaction. Very scary.
Marcos - Comment
Marcos07 Aug 2018Reply
Usei no meu gato de 3 anos e reparei perda de pelo na parte superior do corpo e no pescoço e vermelhidão...estou me preocupando
Isso é normal ?
Beverly Manging - Comment
Beverly Manging20 Aug 2018Reply
I used Frontline on my 11 1/2 month cat 5 days ago hes not stopped scratching bless his heart. Never using this stuff again. Got vets appt on Tuesday evening for injection to help relieve the reaction. Rest of pack in the bin Never using this stuff again !!!!
Karen  - Comment
Karen 13 Sep 2017Reply
11 yaşındaki kedimden Frontline kullandım. Çok uyuşuk, kusma ve hareket etmemeye başladı. Neredeyse iki gün boyunca hiçbir şey yemedi. Üst kata çıkmamalı. Yardım ne yapmalıyım?
Diane - Comment
Diane13 Sep 2017Reply
Newfoundland köpeklerimin her ikisinde de cephe çizgisi kullandım ve 12 saat içinde ikisi de kötü kokulu idrar ve inkontinans geliştirdiler. Gün boyunca çok fazla araştırma yaptım ve hiç kimse bu problemden bahsetmiyor. Birisi yardım edebilir mi lütfen
Mel - Comment
Mel13 Sep 2017Reply
Please anyone who’s pet is showing any symptoms wash them immediately in fairy dishwashing liquid or dawn dishwashing liquid to remove the toxins from their oil glands
Ariel - Comment
Ariel13 Sep 2017Reply
I use nexguard for my dog works great on my dog and frontline gold on my cats .They seemed to have licked a lot of it off eachother .Will they be okat, I am wondering now and what will happen if my dog snuggles my cats and licks some of the frontline then what will happen ... ????? Will my cats and dog get sick from licking some of the Frontline Gold off eachother?
Joan - Comment
Joan12 Eki 2018Reply
I applied frontline on 4 cats. Their fur is balding at application sight and they are vomiting. I thought this product was better. I had no problems with hartz. Wish I never switched.
Nikki - Comment
Nikki04 Nov 2018Reply
Hi, the vet appled Frontline Spot On (I think it was) to my 4 mth old kitten yesterday afternoon and she's now not herself at all, off food & just lying down looking miserable. I've washed between her shoulder blades where vet applied it. When you say wash the cat, is this sufficient or should I be washing more of her than just the area where it was put on?
Allison Russo - Comment
Allison Russo22 Jan 2020Reply
Frontline Gold has caused my dog to start having seizures.
Carey - 8 years old - mixed breed - 35 lbs

We applied Frontline Gold for the first time ever to our dog on 01/16/20. Within 5 hours she would randomly scream out in pain/because she was scared and jump into our arms. At the time we thought maybe she hurt her leg or back and would touch her spine, rotate her legs, etc. without finding any indication of soreness anywhere on her body. This would happen sporadically on Friday and Saturday. By Saturday evening, it was happening more frequently. And at this point we realized that our dog was having mild seizures. She was not losing consciousness, but she would cry out/get this look about her and then burrow into us and her whole little body would tense up, she would lick her lips (salivating), and stretch out her neck and put her head high into the air. We took her to the emergency vet and they have since started her on seizure medication and a sedative for now because she is absolutely terrified when one starts to come on. Secondly, she is spending the day at her primary vet receiving fluids and staying under observation - and we will do this again tomorrow. Her behavior is different - she is very clingy - and she has tremors constantly. We feel completely helpless.

Carey was in perfect health prior to application of the Frontline Gold and nothing else has changed in her routine other than that. Frontline refuses to accept ANY responsibility. In fact, when we asked how to get their medication out of her, their only response was to bathe her - which we did 3 times. This medication is so poorly researched that they do not even have a way to reverse it if a dog has a reaction - and that is because according to them, "it is impossible for their product to cause these symptoms."

We are really hoping to wean her off of the seizure meds by the end of the month once the Frontline should be worn off. I really hope she will be able to go back to normal once the poison is out of her body. Frontline should be ashamed of both the fact that they poorly researched this medication/did not provide accurate side effects to the customer, and the fact that they so easily just say it is impossible for their product to cause any of this. DO NOT USE THEIR PRODUCTS. It simply isn’t worth it.
lourdes - Comment
lourdes22 Jan 2020Reply
did ur dog ever recover my dog is the same age currently going through this :(
Jerry - Comment
Jerry26 Mar 2020Reply
I applied Frontline Plus to my cat 4 hours ago and now he is scratching, is this normal? What I have to do?
Thanks for your quick response
Jane field - Comment
Jane field01 Apr 2020Reply
My dog was treated with frontline,since then hes scratching more,over salivating and has chronic diarrhoea. It was applied just over a week ago.
Frank - Comment
Frank11 Apr 2020Reply
Applied Frontline Gold to my 5-year-old cat only once because it made her lethargic to the point I was afraid for her life. Heartguard had no negative effects on my cat or dog.
Frontline Gold had no negative effects on my 3-year-old Labrador Retriever.
Lin - Comment
Lin21 Apr 2020Reply
I put frontline gold on my 8 yr old King Charles cavalier and he has been shaking and vomited 4 times in last 8 hours since. I washed him and he’s resting now, I hope the washing will work
Suzanne Pratt - Comment
Suzanne Pratt30 Apr 2020Reply
I put frontline plus on my 6 year old cat and soon afterwards she started acting strange like she is having difficultly waling and crying, hiding scratching. It has been 24 hrs and she still seems like she is suffering. I have no idea what to do.
Nikki - Comment
Nikki23 May 2017Reply
PLEASE read this articular : https://wagwalking.com/condition/pyrethrin-pyrethroid-toxicity It explains what and why and says DO NOT USE ON CATS!!! My dog got ticks on her two days ago and I purchased 'Frontline Plus' for her, to be put on AFTER her bath today. I have NOT had to do this in 4-yrs for her, so I looked up info...DON'T know why companies are changing WHAT DID WORK...you know the saying "If it's NOT broken, DON'T fix it!". I had ALWAYS used 'Frontline Plus' on my other (pass) dogs with NO PROBLEMS EVER! I'm nervos to use this product now...BUT as I have read comments it seems it is the "Frontline GOLD" I should worry about and not the "Plus" product...Here's crossing my fingers and saying a Pray!
Corina gibson - Comment
Corina gibson23 May 2017Reply
I lost my little dog I applied frontline she went bed then I woke to find her flat out eyes wide I thought she may have fallen off bed hurting neck she was staggering and knuckling over on the front took to vet said give her tremadole to ease her pain I bathed her to see if it eased her she never fully recovered my vet said it was neological she was put to sleep I used frontline befor but not recently I’m now thinking if only I had read these comments she might be here today
Beth - Comment
Beth23 May 2017Reply
I applied frontline plus on my husky. With in an hour or so she started twitching, falling down, unable to move. This has never happened before. I immediately bathed her in dish soap. She is still not able to move her rear legs or even support herself after 4 hours. Very Nother joke
Heather - Comment
Heather23 May 2017Reply
I used this on my 4 month old kitten 6 days ago. He became unwell the day after. He was uncoordinated and extremely lethargic to the point he could barely take himself off to the cat litter. It's taken days but he does seem a little better today thankfully. I will not be using this again!
Miny - Comment
Miny23 May 2017Reply
I unfortunately used front line on my 5 month old kitten 6 days ago. On 4th day I washed her with fairy liquid. She has not improved nor got worse after bath. Her left side legs and eye are very weak. Cannot walk properly or jump. Is this reversible- Im really worried I cant see any improvement as yet. Although the fits have stopped.
Frances M. French - Comment
Frances M. French09 Jul 2020Reply
It seems that every time I apply front line to my Westie she looks really unhappy, I'm thinking she is old enough to be showing that she experiences dome adverse reaction mentally. Secondly sphe begins to start itching and losing fur as soon ASD winter comes and the ground freezes, I stop giving front line to her and the itching and hair loss stops. Anyone else see this in their dogs?
Cookie Armstrong - Comment
Cookie Armstrong12 Jul 2020Reply
I have used Frontline Plus for years with no problem until now. I applied it to my 4-year-old very healthy 14 pound cat in the morning and she was fine all day. In the middle of the night I saw her sitting up on the chest that her bed lies on. She is usually stretched out and sound asleep. I picked her up and put her on her bed and she jumped down and stumbled and had trouble walking. I turned on the light and her eyes looked crazy. I put her in another of her beds and she laid down and stayed there and went to sleep. The next morning she was absolutely back to normal!

This was #2 of a six-pack, so she had gotten the same lot batch the month before. I called the Frontline hotline and was basically told that they knew of no adverse effects except for the foaming at the mouth if they get it on their tongue. Why are all of us having similar issues and yet Frontline doesn't seem to be aware or care??

Does anyone know of any products that are safe and effective?

Diana - Comment
Diana16 Jul 2020Reply
I used Frontline on one of the feral cats I look after and he isn't eating but wants to. I couldn't wash him but does anyone think that I could maybe throw Fairy washing up liquid mixed with water over him ?
Sam Sallee - Comment
Sam Sallee18 Jul 2020Reply
Decided to try a “different” treatment for our dog and within a couple days, our active dog developed paralysis in rear legs, a couple hot spots on hind quarters, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. Vet says “vestibular disease” which is ear issue... I believe the Frontline set off an allergic reaction.

Now three weeks later if providing essentially “hospice care” our dog is walking and eating better. Spirit is improving and although her walk is like a drunken sailor, she is able to get around some. I’m hopefully when the Frontline is worn off, things will be better.


Also, maybe don’t euthanize if your dog experiences these issues. Maybe a little time and things could improve. I’ve had to euthanize a couple older pets and it’s not easy to do.
Kevin - Comment
Kevin19 Jul 2020Reply
This last treatment of Frontline created blisters on the application area by the next morning and stroke-like behavior in my dog within about a week.
I've used Frontline Plus a few times before, purchased from the same store, applied on my same dog, without any issues and I followed the directions exactly as I always have.
For some reason, this last treatment quickly caused a large sore on the application area. I attempted to remove the Frontline with a gentle bath at that point. Within a few days, my dog began losing balance when walking, drooling out of one side, became nauseous after only taking a few bites of food, appeared to be losing site in one eye, and struggled to even get up on the couch.
The vet mentioned other dogs with severe adverse reactions to Frontline in recent months as well and suggested bathing them with dish-soap to remove the application as soon as possible.
Fran - Comment
Fran23 Jul 2020Reply
We have used this for about 1 yr. My partner really didn’t want to but our cats were flea ridden last year. I have been getting the monthly prescription and applying as per instructions.

The cats vomited more than usual last week but to be honest, I didn’t think it could be the Frontline. I thought it may have been something they ate. However, I have just noticed that one of our beautiful cats has lost a patch of hair and the skin has blistered exactly where that stuff was.

I feel really bad and wished I had listened to my partner.
Katie - Comment
Katie23 Jul 2020Reply
I put frontline on my rednose pitbull pup that's 8 months old and 60lbs and gave her the rec. dose and I'm just so scared, her eyes are super red but not just that it's her whole body and she's acting weird, like not coming to me when I call her. She got fleas from my moms house being 10mins later she was covered and needed the fleas gone because they were eating her up. Now I'm scared and she is super tired and is asleep now but I can't sleep. I'm going to be a wreck if this gets worse... I tried washing it off 4-5hrs later hopefully that will help.
Tom - Comment
Tom25 Jul 2020Reply
I have a very active healthy 6 year old Boxer Dalmatian mix. I applied Frontline Gold on him on 06/22/20, by 06/23 he was writhing in pain and his back legs were paralyzed. Because if Covid it was hard to find and emergency hospital open, but I got him into the University of MN Vet hospital. They had to wheel him in on a wagon( weighs 100#) because I couldn’t take him in. They wondered if he had been injured, I said not that I was aware of but I had just applied Frontline to him the day before. They said that wouldn’t cause this. They sent me home with a IVDD diagnosis and a bunch of pain and anti inflammatory drugs and also strict instructions to keep him from climbing stairs or walking too much (his legs were working again). So...I kept him on exercise lockdown for almost a month he has been totally back to normal. I gave him his next application of Frontline yesterday morning and 6 hours later, all this started again. I washed him down with a gentle soap and he is resting now.

I am horrified that vets and vet schools don’t seem to know about this. I feel so bad for those that had their pets put down because of this poison. Believe me, I’ll get the word out!
Alex Haas - Comment
Alex Haas04 Eki 2020Reply
I have a 2 yr old male large cat which I got as a rescue. He is scratching alot so I got some frontline applied it behind his shoulders and his hair fell out where i applied the frontline. He also acted very sluggish and weird. There are no scratches where is hair fell out.
April Orth - Comment
April Orth09 Eki 2020Reply
My cat Maximus is very sick from Frontline. I applied it on a Tuesday and today , which is Thursday I woke up with urine all over the couch. He was vomiting off and on yesterday but figured it was from him always eating fast. Now he is very punky, back legs are not working right, kinda crys when I pick him up as well. He is very clingy.
He has a veterinarian appointment today. I washed the area with Dawn dish soap as was told to do this from the veterinarian. Please keep him in your thoughts. Please beware!
Mel - Comment
Mel11 Eki 2020Reply
Please wash your pet in a degreasing wash urgently. Use either blue Dawn dishwashing liquid or fairy dishwashing liquid to remove the frontline from their oil glands. It’s very harsh on their skin so don’t use it any other time except in this emergency. There’s several groups on Facebook you can join for more information. Please also report your pets reaction to the manufacturers. They have to record the reaction and the more reports we’ll be closer to get there poisons off the market. Good luck everyone
Audrey Ramsden  - Comment
Audrey Ramsden 30 Eki 2020Reply
I put frontline plus spot on,on my 3 yr old ginger tom, he's had a bad reaction to it, his skin is vey red and sore looks like its burnt, took him to our vets had a injection to relieve the itching, I have used this before on him and he's been fine, has anyone else had this happen to there cat
meg - Comment
meg24 Nov 2020Reply
My cat died 2 days after using Frontline Plus for cats. I have used it for years. She was 7 years old.
MB - Comment
MB24 Nov 2020Reply
Meg, I am so sorry for your loss!
James - Comment
James06 Jan 2021Reply
I used Frontline on one of my cat's she had breathing difficulties took her to the vet, just gave her an antibiotic, a week later had breathing difficulties again treated for asthma silly vet told them it was Frontline she died, applied it on another cat she has permanent sores all around her neck spent a fortune on tests, yes Frontline created an allergic reaction to almost everything, DO NOT USE FRONTLINE OR ANY CHEMICAL FLEA TREATMENT USE A FLEA COMB WHICH IS CHEAPER AND SAFER PROTECT YOUR PETS
Louise - Comment
Louise28 Jan 2021Reply
Applied Frontline Plus to my male silver cat. He has been scratching for days and I looked at where we had applied the Frontline and there is a huge scabby sore there. He is also scratching and biting his skin. I’ve started brushing him and flakes of skin are coming off. Won’t be applying this to him again. I’ve been cleaning the site with coconut oil as I think he will take my fingers off if I gave him a bath. It is 2 weeks since we applied it. Just posting here hoping it will help someone else.
Lisa - Comment
Lisa28 Jan 2021Reply
Same with my cat now scratching her self a lot when does it go away
Sabrina Brooks - Comment
Sabrina Brooks15 Feb 2021Reply
I used Frontline on all 4 of my dogs 4 days ago, that night one of them starting vomiting white foam, the next day she was lethargic. Took her to the vet, X-rays and lab work checked out normal. But she hasn’t eaten or drank anything since then. She was given fluids at the vet yesterday and today. She’s walking around but very slow, drooling and still lethargic. Diarrhea and vomiting still. I’m praying she’s pooping this poison all of her and praying for a full recovery.
Holly  - Comment
Holly 22 Feb 2021Reply
I used Front Line on my dog and will never use it again. Within 24 hours he lost the ability to jump up onto the couch or to greet you like he usually does. He was very lethargic.
I’m so glad I found this website, I washed him as soon as I found this information out on here in dish soap and already he seems so much better. He is able to jump up again and is much more lively.
Hoping he continues to make a full recovery.
Steven Jknes - Comment
Steven Jknes22 Feb 2021Reply
I put front line on my cat spot on and now she's just lay there and walking crouched down like she's scared can some help
Kat - Comment
Kat22 Feb 2021Reply
I put ZoGuard Plus for cats (it has exactly the same percentage of ingredients as Frontline Plus for cats) on my almost 2 year old female cat named Sunny. Maybe 14 hours later, she was lethargic, her eyes looked funny and she was hypersensitive to touch. I just found this blog tonight and so many pets with problems with this flea med. She has had other flea meds with different ingredients and no problems. Tonight she is finally acting somewhat normal, she got up and walked around, watched the goings on outside and her eyes looked mostly normal. She spent several days just sleeping, eating a very small amount of dry food, and not wanting to be disturbed at all. I am hoping that she will be back to normal in the morning (1 am here now). I thought about a bath when she first started looking sick, but she wouldn't even let me pet her for more than 20 seconds. This is normally a very active, very friendly cat, and to see her this way just breaks my heart. I can think of nothing else except the flea med that caused all this. She is indoors only, and there are no toxic products where a cat could get into them. For those who lost their pets to this "medicine", I send my condolences. Hoping to see my Sunny be her usual sunny self very soon. Thanks for listening!
Celeste  - Comment
Celeste 04 Mar 2021Reply
I have a 10 month old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I quickly noticed he was biting at his legs so I checked him out and sure enough he had fleas. So I took him to PetSmart for a flea shampoo and Frontline Plus for Dogs spot on treatment. The following day he was very lethargic and trembling uncontrollably. He was laying around all day and didn’t seem to have any energy to jump, run and play. I know for a fact he had a horrible reaction to Frontline Plus. I am now bathing him with Dawn dish soap I’m hoping for a speedy recovery!
Liza - Comment
Liza04 Mar 2021Reply
Did washing with the dawn dish soap improve? I am having the same issue and I am going to get dawn dish soap right now I am so worried...had to bring my girl to the hospital this morning she was barely walking, did not want to eat, I'm so worried.
Kim - Comment
Kim21 Mar 2021Reply
1 week ago I gave my shitszu frontline, he has licked his belly and legs since then, so much he’s developed a skin rash and smell (I think its yeast) I gave him a bath 2 days after the application (so glad I did ) to relieve his skin with oatmeal shampoo. He’s also been really tired acting, but he is eating. my husband took him to the vet today and vet gave him some prednisone and a CADI injection for the itching. I will not be giving any more frontline. And read an article in USA TODAY about Seresto dog collars being toxic and fatal. So I’m not trusting any of these companies who say flea and tick killer, they are all full of pesticides.
Rabia qaggie - Comment
Rabia qaggie11 Apr 2021Reply
I used frontline on my 10 year cat yesterday. Today he is lethargic and refusing to eat or drink. Should I be worried?
Michael - Comment
Michael27 Apr 2021Reply
I've been using Frontline plus for a few months and my dog, Boxer/American Bull mix,faints in the middle of the night,has little energy,can't walk far without getting fatigued,staggers,and is always very tired.Hes eating normal.Had him to my vet , blood work was good,she said his heart and lungs sounded good but she says he needs an EKG to see if he has any heart problems.Everything started after I used Frontline and other brands containing the same active POISON☠️.Will dawn work after 10 Days after making the mistake of using it?
Theresa Leigh Schloer - Comment
Theresa Leigh Schloer27 Apr 2021Reply
No... Dawn dish detergent? The poison gets into their bloodstream.
Theresa Leigh Schloer - Comment
Theresa Leigh Schloer23 May 2017Reply
I applied Frontline to my dog about 18 hours ago; he has been up all night crying. My dog is 10 years old and I have been using this product in the spring/summer for many years.
I don’t recall him ever showing adverse side effects.
His breathing is slightly rapid and he just seems generally miserable.
Mark p - Comment
Mark p05 Jul 2021Reply
What a nightmare applied frontline combo for cats the fleas started leaping off him almost straight away but the side effects are really bad his whole body is itching hes using his paws to wipe it off then licking so its got into his body running in and out yowling cant keep still i only applied a quarter of the pipette so not alot his inner eyelids are showing i tried to wipe it off with a towel no better so ive used a cloth with Aloe vera fairy liquid on his whole back and hes ran out in the rain hopefully that clears its super concentrated poison that shouldn't be on the market cant use this again they know it does this would of been common in testing but they don't give a fair warning it is misrepresenting a surely dangerous product
Barb - Comment
Barb24 Jul 2021Reply
I applied Frontline plus to our 15 lb dashound a week ago, and now he's so sick. Hasn't eaten for 2 days, lethargic and acts like he's dying. He's 13 yrs old. Gave him a bath with dawn this am. Worring he will not make it. Plus, he had lots of fleas on this morning's bath!
Anna - Comment
Anna15 Aug 2021Reply
I'm so grateful I found this blog.
I had used Frontline Kitten on my cat a few times and while he did not like the application part, he seemed to be fine otherwise. I don't think I ever got the full dosage on him though since he is wriggly (probably about half). I waited until he was a year old to give him the adult formula but again - never got the full dosage applied. He didn't show any signs of fleas so I didn't worry too much about that. Yesterday was the first time I'd applied a full dose and I completely regret it. His pupils dilated after and he wouldn't let me pet him at all- just ran and hid. He gets sleepy after vaccines so I wasn't too concerned about it. Left for a few hours and when I went to check on him it was clear he hadn't moved. His eyes were hazy and he wouldn't let me touch him at all (he's normally a total cuddle monster). Called the vet, they said it couldn't possibly be the frontline since its topical and recommended that I continue to monitor him. A few more hours went by - he had barely eaten all day, was still recoiling from my touch and I noticed his third eyelid showing. Found this blog and washed it off. He started purring as soon as I began washing it off- like he knew what the problem was but couldn't tell me. After about 30-40 minutes he let me pet him again and didn't leave my side for the rest of the evening. He seems back to his normal self today and has his appetite back.
I will never use this on him again.
isa - Comment
isa16 Aug 2021Reply
Used Frontline Plus 2 weeks ago, few days later our setter had a very bad stomach and that has continued our other dog a Kortall has now the same problem, the scratching is off the scale and then the licking of the paws which I believer now is transferring this poison into their insides and setting up a viscious circle, I have bathed them and will bath again tomorrow, the setter is more lethargic than normal too and has a very dry nose, they seem to be eating normally, but we are at our wits end, have been using this stuff for years now and never had a problem, so what has changed in it? also ten years ago we used Advantage on one dog and she nearly died, developed diabetes withing 24 hours of putting that on her, and then she suffered 2 years of illness, found out after there were court cases in america over that product, and lots of dogs had either died or been severely injured..that is why we decided on frontline plus and had no trouble until now..am so angry, our babies are suffering, how can this product be allowed if its causing this many problems, glad I found this site..I will not be using this stuff ever again its poison...does not even get rid of fleas...but seemingly is getting rid of our pets...this company needs looking into..
Paul Brockbank - Comment
Paul Brockbank13 Sep 2017Reply
My poor 15 year old cat died the day after I applied Frontline to the back of his neck and I now have to live with the fact that I killed him. Since then I've not used the product on the others as I'm so nervous. It is definitely a risk that I may have to take again though, sadly.
Adrian  - Comment
Adrian 10 Eki 2021Reply
Put frontline plus on our cat and never the same again. Started having seizures and passing fowl smells. Eyes looked very strange. Took to the vets and had blood tests which came back clear. Cat has now disappeared. Just waiting for her to come back. Wish had never used that stuff. Poison
Mary - Comment
Mary13 Nov 2021Reply
I used frontline plus 2 days ago Nov 20..2021 and he seems to be doing better ..but I cannot make my finals decision yet..my cat appears to be very much improved during the day its at night when he starts the scratching and excessive licking ...Guess I will have to wait until at least 2 weeks when I will administer it again I think he had a lot of fleas and I dont know where they came from...he's an indoor cat and only go's down the hall sometimes I am worried too ..Frontline is very expensive and my sister swears by it ...I hope it does the job...I can't stand to see my Munchy scratching and licking himself so profusely..
Heather - Comment
Heather18 Nov 2021Reply
Dealing with this issue with my 9 yrs old pup. Been on frontline plus for years, but this round seems to have been the issue. Gave 3 weeks ago, and this week and last he is exhibiting all of these symptoms, random whining, dazed, slow wandering walk, no stairs or jumping, itching, barely eating. Been to vet twice, all checks out fine, no solution. They started him on antibiotics today for possible inner ear issue, but now I see this thread and realize it was frontline and his age now causing issue. Just bathed him in dish soap, don't have dawn tonight so used what I had, likely again tomorrow, hoping I can get it off glands after weeks and this gets out of his blood stream. Thank you for your stories.
Jeanine  - Comment
Jeanine 31 Dec 2021Reply
My car 11 year was acting lethargic , weak little pained meow , not eating , acting confused very worried took to vet … $768 later , bloodwork , X-rays normal then I had a revelation about giving him frontline plus 3 days prior . My cats had always tolerated , not sure if he was able to lick some off this time .. still waiting to see if he recovers . If I had known this I would never had used , and my vet never mentioned anything when I asked about possible poison .
I will mention when I speak with her tomorrow . I think they don’t believe in these reactions as they encourage them , just as small # people with vaccine injury are dismissed because most people do fine .
Tiffany Koda - Comment
Tiffany Koda20 Mar 2022Reply
I know it's been a while since anyone has posted but my 1 year old Husky started having extreme skin issues, pain, and a gross open wound right where I put the frontline about a week and half after I applied it. Now 2 days later his hind legs are walking really strange, he is breathing so fast, and he is extremely lethargic, and depressed. My normally energetic dog is just laying around all day and has no interest in playing. I'm so concerned for him. I'll do the fairy wash right away, but I'm freaking out for him. Any suggestions of what else helped and how long it took for your sweet pets to get better?
Sonny K. - Comment
Sonny K.01 Apr 2022Reply
My dog Jack is a 13 year old Porkie (Pomeranian + Yorkie). He has an enlarged heart and some slight kidney issues due to age and is taking meds daily for those issues. He is however, still very active and a happy little dog. On 03/19/2022, I gave him Frontline Plus exactly as instructed. Applied one dose on his skin on his shoulder blades. Exactly 24 hours later, on 03/20/2022, we woke up and my dog was very weak and couldn't get up. I put his harness on him and tried to take him for a walk but he fell on his side. That's when I realized that he has coordination issues as well. Took to vet and he tested everything from heart, to kidneys, blood, etc - and after a $1080 bill, vet couldn't find any issues (all his pre-existing health issues were same - no change). That's when I realized this could be from the Frontline Plus. Came online and found this blog. For 9 days - from Sunday, 03/20th to Tuesday 03/29th, he went through hell - coordination issues - mainly stumbling when walking and severe depression. He would walk like a zombie as he looked like he was sleep walking and even then stumbling and almost falling over. Giving him his food + meds for his heart was a nightmare. The saddest was the severe depression.
However, he seemed like he was about 90% better on day 9 (03/29/2022). By day 10 (03/30/2022), I could say he was all good. I gave this timeline so that anyone who has a dog going through issues due to Frontline crap can see that there is hope. Jack came out of the hell he was in and hopefully your dog will too. The vet was of no help and didn't say much even when I mentioned that I found so many people online who are complaining about Frontline plus. I guess there's nothing much vet could do when it's neurological issues.
Gail - Comment
Gail26 Apr 2022Reply
I will never use Frontline on my cats ever again. I bought an application from our vet for my cat a few years ago. The next day he had a bald spot on the back of his neck & started walking differently and scratching himself there horribly. I took him into the vet right away & they suggested a sweater for him to keep him from scratching the area, I kid you not! He began losing his ability to walk & the vet assured me his medication had nothing to do with it. Within days he passed away. Never again!
Jasmine  - Comment
Jasmine 07 Jun 2017Reply
All I can say is after administering the right amount in the right place on my 40kg 7 month old pup he was looking at me as if I wasn't there not acknowledging me panting like mad then lying on the floor couldn't even hear him breathing I had to check a few times if he was, luckily he was as a large breed he doesn't normally breath quietly while sleeping, it was as if his whole personality had gone in the space of 5 minutes. The best way I can describe it is with Harry Potter it was as if all the joy had gone from him and like a dementor had sucked the life out of him without a doubt scariest hour ever. I decided I would wash it off and if he was no better run him to dog A&E luckily after I showered him within 5mins he was back to his normal bouncy cheeky self my only advice is to not use this product and if your dog reacts this way wash it off.
Jude  - Comment
Jude 07 Jun 2017Reply
I have battling fleas for over a year on my two “indoor” only cats, I recently treated the 7 year old cat with Frontline & yes he’s been making extreme noises & staying in the kitchen 24/7 he also has been using it as a toilet which has never happened before, I was ready to put frontline on my eleven year old female but after reading the many very negative comments I better think again
Dusty Kistler  - Comment
Dusty Kistler 12 Jul 2022Reply
My 60lbs. Dog and 10lbs.cat who got sick as hell.
I won't use this again. No good
Tiffany - Comment
Tiffany05 Aug 2022Reply
I bought front line plus for my 12 week old kitten. I applied it right. He has lost the fur on back of neck and has sores with crusty nasty stuff. It's seeping too. He meows constantly because the fleas didn't go away. This product is worthless. I spent a lot money on this crap.
Jenna - Comment
Jenna07 Aug 2022Reply
I applied it to my dog yesterday. He already had terrible skin condition all over his body and we don’t know what it is so we were hoping this would help. He threw up twice and was foaming at the mouth a little. He is acting fine but he also is bleeding on his head where his skin was really bad and patching and it looks scary. I administered the correct dosage and don’t think he injected it but maybe he scratched his back where I applied it and then licked his paws
LeeAnn - Comment
LeeAnn09 Aug 2022Reply
Frontline Plus just killed one of my cats and I had another pts because he could lo longer walk, eat, or drink.
I also got the frontline us for my dogs and they all still have fleas. It's horrible. Wth has happened??
Marjorie - Comment
Marjorie13 Sep 2017Reply
My cat has scabs on his ears and was wondering if he could be allergic to Frontline? I treat him every 30 days with Frontline plus because he is both indoor and outdoor cat but I noticed the scabs at the beginning of summer when I started the Frontline on a regular 30 day basis
Grant - Comment
Grant13 Sep 2017Reply
So..... I have used frontline for years on my 2 dogs without a problem. Rescued a puppy Karakachan this June who had been tied on the common and left to die. Put Frontline on them all 2 days ago and since then the pup has become more and more lethargic, and even lost his appetitie, vomiting and diarrhoea. Will try the bathing thing and see what happens. Feel guilty as all hell for putting this on him. Seems he may be super allergic to this stuff.... Going to try the old Bulgarian trick of garlic water in future. Anything has got to be better that putting my little man through this..... and myself!
Rebecca - Comment
Rebecca14 Eki 2022Reply
Frontline plus - Dog seizures

I put frontline on my 13 year old mini schnauzer, within 4 hours he had a seizure. He then went on to have two more in the next 24 hours. I’m convinced it was down to this flea and tick treatment. Fingers crossed it’s now two days later and no more seizures, but he still isn’t himself and won’t jump up on to the sofa. I thought this was a weird symptom, but having seen the comments, apparently quite common.
Myron Miore - Comment
Myron Miore20 Eki 2022Reply
I hope I didn't screw up. On oct. 3rd I used advantage Ii on my cat with no positive results. Then on the 19 the I tried Frontline plus on her. Please tell me I didn't screw up by putting this on her to soon
Amy - Comment
Amy23 Nov 2022Reply
I used FL on my dog...after a few months I noticed the fur on his back was bumping out...just thot he had dry skin...one more dose all in one spot n the next day he had a horrible boil rite when I applied it...the FL was the only thing different that happened the day before...I washed the spot n keep putting Neosporin on it...am I supposed to bath his whole body w dawn? N it's been just over a week so am I too late to bath him? NEVER using that poison on him again!
Chris Larson - Comment
Chris Larson17 Dec 2022Reply
It’s winter here even in Florida, but I gave both my cats Dawn dish soap dips, then applied flea & tick shampoo rinsed them very well, let them dry100% then took my electric shaver & in between their shoulders shaved a 1 &1/2 area, applied front line then gave them new flea collars! However one is still chewing & scratching to the point where he almost looks like he’s getting bald on his leg’s & bottom part of his tail, while the other just seems lethargic??? What else could be going on? This has NEVER happened b-4, both are avid hunters & that worries me!
Chris Larson - Comment
Chris Larson17 Dec 2022Reply
I gave both my cats , dawn dish soap dips, then washed them with flea & tick shampoo, shaved a 1 &1/2 inch area between their shoulders put frontline on & gave them each new flea collars, one seems to be pulling his fur out on his legs & lower tail, the other is just lethargic! It’s winter here even in Florida, both are outside ( day) inside ( night) cats but are avid hunters! Moved here to FL. 3 years ago now from New England & I’ve never seen this b-4? Cats were treated about a week & a half ago! Any suggestions out there? Thanks: Chris
lo g - Comment
lo g27 Feb 2023Reply
a good pread
Brenda - Comment
Brenda23 May 2017Reply
This stuff should not be on the market. Applied to my 14 year old dog. First thing was throwing up and diarrhea. She has had 3 major seizures in a week. Applied about 2 weeks ago and hoping this wears off. I am heart broken for our sweet little dog.
A - Comment
A23 May 2017Reply
We put frontline on our dog last December and she started having seizures just a couple of days later. Have your dog’s seizures subsided?
Marie - Comment
Marie23 May 2017Reply
It made my pug sick and lethargic
Jill  - Comment
Jill 26 Jul 2023Reply
So we got a sweet little cat from a man who was dying a few weeks.ago. we put Frontline on him right way and he start acting like he was very tired and won't move. We though since it was his first week away from his owner. It might be that. Until we reapplied it yesterday and he is doing the same thing exactly with a fever. It is like a complete repeat of last month. No more Frontline here. 335612
Michelle  - Comment
Michelle 13 Sep 2017Reply
My cat died after we used front line plus. We put it on, he went out, next morning he was dead in my front garden. He was only 7 years old. Devastated.
Carol Ann Roberts  - Comment
Carol Ann Roberts 17 Nov 2023Reply
Has anyone experienced their cats having a very bad reaction after applying Frontline spoton.
Over grooming, itching, biting and scratching for over a month after the application.

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