Many pet owners have never considered the benefits of walking their dogs off-leash, but roaming freely can benefit well-behaved pets.
Should I walk my dog off leash?
Walking on a leash is so common it’s hard to remember it does not come naturally t...
Socialization occurs in puppies at an early age, but there are plenty of practices to help an older dog learn proper soc...
Birçok köpek sahibi, evcil hayvanlarının kötü alışkanlıklarıyla mücadele eder, ancak onları cezalandırmak istemez. Diferansiyel güçlendirme teklifleri ...
Indoor cats live longer lives, but are more prone to pack on extra weight. Here are a few tips to help keep Kitty lose weight gradually.
How to help your cat lose weight
Keeping your cat indoors can help him live a longer life, but housecats are pr...
Dogs have different needs at different ages and for many, this includes new considerations as they lose hearing in their...
İlk kez köpek sahipleri evlerini evcil hayvanlara karşı korumayı unutabilirler, ancak bu, bir köpeği eve getirmeden önce önemli bir adımdır. ...
Most cat owners have struggled with their pet not using the litter box, but this can be your cat’s way of saying something is wrong.
Why is my cat urinating outside the litter box?
At some point, most cat owners struggle with their companion urinat...
Arthritis cannot be cured, but you can help manage your pet’s symptoms. Here are a few tips to help senior dogs experien...
Çılgınca gelebilir, ancak köpekler için televizyon var. Köpek gösterilerinin yaratıcıları, evcil hayvanınız için bir oyalama yaratmayı u...
Nature and nurture play a role in our dog’s loyalty, explaining how our pets evolved to be known as man’s best friend.
Why are dogs loyal?
Our canine companions are famous for their loyalty, but the cause behind Fido’s faithful nature is more of ...