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Kedinizin Bir Dişini Kesmesi durumunda ne yapılması gerekiyor

 Yazan: danielle tarafından 24 Tem 2014 |
2Yorum (lar)
If your cat seems to be avoiding their dinner bowl, and when they do give in and eat, seem to do so using only one side of their mouth, have a look at their pearly whites. Cats have quite fragile teeth – particularly the canines, which can be suscept...

Köpeğinizi yüzmek için nasıl öğretilir

 Yazan: danielle tarafından 24 Tem 2014 |
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The doggy paddle comes instinctually to dogs, but that doesn’t mean that a bit of canine swim school isn’t helpful for p...

Bir Stressed Out Puppy'i Yatıştırmak için 6 Yol

 Yazan: danielle tarafından 23 Tem 2014 |
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Puppies can be hyperactive super-charged balls of fun – but sometimes they can put all that energy into worrying. Here a...

Kitty Litter Çeşitleri

 Yazan jaime, 23 tem 2014 de |
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Kedinizin çöp kutusunu tekrar doldurmak için stoklandıkça, birçok farklı tür pislik çöpü olduğunu fark etmiş olursunuz. Çıktıkça, çöp büyük ölçüde dört ana sınıflamaya ayrılıyor; her biri kendi benzersiz artılarını ve eksilerini sunuyor. Gelenek ...

Evcil hayvanların yakılması hakkında bilmeniz gerekenler

 Yazan jaime, 23 tem 2014 de |
1Yorum (lar)
The death of a family pet is a tragic event that produces significant emotions in many animal lovers. As part of the gri...

Mit Busting Kediler ve Yalnızlık

 Yazan jaime, 22 tem 2014 de |
1Yorum (lar)
There are a number of myths that exist about pets and their owners. Dogs are viewed as great family pets because their f...

Köpek ve Kalça Değiştirmeleri

 Yazan jaime, 22 tem 2014 de |
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The human body is a complex system that consists of a highly integrated musculoskeletal system that makes all movement possible. When you get up out of your chair after reading this piece, you'll engage your muscles to get your body moving. Tendons a...

Tatiline başladığında kediden en iyi nerede

 Yazan jaime, 22 tem 2014 de |
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Going away on holiday should be a relaxing time for your cat as well as yourself. As a cat owner, it can be really diffi...

Köpeğiniz Bir Başka Köpeğe Isırırsa Ne Yapmalı?

 Yazan simone, 21 tem 2014 hakkında |
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The majority of pet dogs will be happy and healthy and, if socialised properly, will have pleasant and trouble-free inte...

Köpeğinizin Mutlu olup olmadığını Bilme 4 Yolları

 Yazan jaime, 21 tem 2014 de |
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Throughout your dog's life you are going to be struggling to determine its mood. Whether your dog is happy, sad, or mad, it cannot simply walk up to you and tell you as much in clear English. However, that doesn't mean it is impossible to determine i...
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